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Karyna M. Neyra, MD

718 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Phone: 201-833-7274| Fax: 201-833-7243 | E-mail: 



American Board of Internal Medicine, 2016

American Board of Infectious Disease, 2018



  • Infectious Disease Fellow, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

  • Internal Medicine Resident, Hackensack University Medical Center at Mountainside, Montclair, NJ​

  • Physician, Daniel Alcides Carrion Hospital, Callao, Peru

  • Medical Doctor, San Fernando School of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru



Neyra K, Huauya-Leuyacc C, Kovacs C, Athans V, Cober E

Colistin in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: Friend or Foe?

Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH. Presented in the American Transplant Congress 2018. 


Neyra K, Brizendine K

Invasive Mold Infections among Liver Transplant Recipients: Is it Time to Reconsider the Risk Factors that Determine Antifungal Prophylaxis?

Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH. Recipient of ID Week 2017 Trainee Travel Grant Award, San Diego, CA. 


Neyra K, Nikolic D, Procop G, Onwuzulike K, Pranay S, Banzon J

Central nervous system phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladophialophora bantiana in an immunocompetent host. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH. Presented at ID Week 2017, IDSA. San Diego, CA. 


Neyra K, Soliman I, Bhawsar N, Gupta V

Neurosyphilis presenting as Myelopathy and a Spinal Cord Mass

Hackensack UMC Mountainside. Montclair, NJ. Presented at the 2016 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. Vancouver, CA and 2016 ACP National Meeting. Washington DC 


Neyra K, Rahman A, Cohen Z, Pi Justin

Unusual radiographic presentation of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) associated with Chlamydia pneumoniae infection.

Hackensack UMC Mountainside, Montclair, NJ. Presented at 2015 Chest Abstract Competition. Montreal, CA. 


Neyra K, Rahman A, Cohen Z, Nafees Q

Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia due to Exposure to Daptomycin Leading to Ventilator-dependent Respiratory Failure

Hackensack UMC Mountainside, Montclair, NJ. Presented at 2015 Chest Abstract Competition. Montreal, CA 


Rahman A, Neyra K, Williams E, Cohen Z

Revisiting Nesitiride in Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension.

Hackensack UMC Mountainside, Montclair, NJ. Submitted to 2015 Chest Abstract Competition. 


Neyra K, Kashif S, Liang R

Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma Presenting with Extensive Portal Vein Thrombosis.

Hackensack UMC Mountainside, Montclair, NJ

Oral Presentation at 2014 Oncology Society of New Jersey Meeting 2014 ACP New jersey Chapter Abstract Competition 


Neyra K, Fan W, Liang R

Cholangiocarcinoma and Actinomycosis of the Gallbladder. A case report

Hackensack UMC Mountainside, Montclair, NJ. Case Vignette presented at 2014 Oncology Society of New Jersey Meeting 


Shah N, Neyra K, Naeem M

Influenza Vaccine-Induced Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica.

Hackensack UMC Mountainside, Montclair, NJ

Case Vignette presented in 2013 ACP National Abstract Competition. 


Lam N, Contreras H, Neyra KM, Mori H, Cuesta F, Gutierrez C, Gil E, Cordova G

Comparison of two self report questionnaires for depressive symptoms detection in pregnant women.

Perinatal Maternal Institute, Lima, Peru. Published in Anales de la Facultad de Medicina. 2009, Lima, Peru 



• Infectious Disease Society of America, 2015. 

• American Academy of Neurology, 2016. 

• American College of Physicians, 2013-present. 

• American Medical Association, 2013-present. 

• Peruvian College of Medicine, 2010 – present. 

• Latin-American Scientific Societies Federation, 2007-2010. 



Fluent in Spanish (native speaker). BLS / ACLS certification 



Infections in transplant patients

Tuberculosis in developing countries

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